Return Policy

We handle returns on a case-by-case basis. Standing behind our product and services is our priority so if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you have 30 calendar days from the order delivery date to return the product to receive a refund. 

Returns will ONLY be accepted if the product was purchased from

*Please note Shine Company does not cover shipping costs for returns. In granting returns, the following points will be considered:

  1. Contains all original product packaging and accessories
  2. Unassembled and unused
  3. Re-sellable Condition
  4. Sent back within 30 days of the order delivery date

Items returned which are deemed to be in re-sellable condition will be credited to the customer’s account. Please request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number and briefly state the reason for the return to

Please note that if a product is returned without prior authorization from Shine Company, additional charges may occur and be deducted from credit. (RMA number must be clearly marked on the outside of the box when returned)


For the best service, please call us at (909)-590-5005 or email us at for assistance.

Damaged or Defective Items

In the event that you do receive a damaged, defective, or incorrect item, please contact our customer service team. Keep in mind that you must contact us within 30 days of the order delivery date to report any claims.

We're happy to help!

For assistance, please email us at